LIFE Archives: The Rabbit Hunt

09/12/2011 § 6 Comments

A rabbit hunt somewhere in Britain in 1950 seems perfectly apropos after the chilly weather that descended upon New York today, does it not?  Lovely tweed and leather and even a lady in a tie.  This hunt was shot for LIFE Magazine by William J. Sumits, but I have been unable to find the accompanying article.  In any event, the small wooly dogs — the Sealyham Terrier — seem to be the central focus, but I was quite drawn to the hunting party’s clothes.  Of course.

Embrace your modern huntress in this lovely herringbone overcoat, these knickerbocker pants — both by Rugby, this tie by Pierrepont Hicks, these riding boots by Frye, this pretty lavender wool scarf from J.Press (on sale!), and these leather driving gloves from Dents.  Dandy it up a bit by adding a vintage brooch and a leather and chrome liquor caddy from Orvis.  Tally-ho!

All images via the LIFE Archive.

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§ 6 Responses to LIFE Archives: The Rabbit Hunt

  • Cindy Cook says:

    Love this post and the clothes!!! I also love the dogs. Any idea what breed they are?

    Have a lovely weekend.


  • Rabbit Shot? Looks like a teaparty! says:

    Its hard to believe that anyone would wear a tie hunting, but seeing it on a women is just a sight i’ll enjoy for ever!

  • jakub sumowski says:

    Working dogs including past Sealyhams were never clipped for their work nor were they wooly. It is a hunting party of famous Captain Lukas, possible even his original earth working terriers club.

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